Basic Guide to Guerilla Growing

What is Guerilla Growing?

Guerrilla growing is basically cultivating cannabis secretly in an outdoor location; this is normally in the wild and stealthy, as you want to ensure nobody will discover your plants.

That means no busy public parks or well used pathways but somewhere like a clearing in a forest can make a perfect grow site.

Location for your grow site

To avoid anyone finding your plants and stealing or destroying your plants, make sure to not plant in a location close to where people will be; these are more easily discovered by passers-by, since the odour of the grow will be noticeable up to 10-15 metres away.

Forests, fields, and abandoned farmland make good potential locations. You can choose to grow directly in the ground or in fabric pots (so, if needed, you can move your plants around).

Bear in mind that the vegetation around the grow site will likely change with the seasons so try and envisage what the site will look like in mid-summer.

Also really important is that you must make sure there are no streetlights in the vicinity as these could otherwise mess up your plant’s natural dark cycle, negatively impacting flowering.

We advise growing a few plants in some different places; if one of your crops is discovered, the others will still be hidden – i.e., don’t put all your plants in one basket!

If your grow site is close to water that is a massive bonus as you can easily water your plants in case of a drought rather than lugging heavy buckets/ bottles of water around.

It may even be possible that you won’t need to water your cannabis plants at all as your plants may be able to absorb the water that’s already in the soil. A spot close to running water is also at less risk for frost – but may be more at risk of flooding.

Timing your Guerilla Grow

Timing is super important: plant too early, and your weed may fall victim to cold temperatures and frost. Plant too late on the other hand, and it may succumb to mould from the autumn rain.

If you’re growing photoperiod cannabis, timing is especially crucial. You want to make sure your plants have a decent veg time, as well as enough time to fully mature their buds before harvest.

Since photoperiod strains flower based on available light hours, you’ll need to make sure they’re ready to do so when the time comes.

The best time to head outside depends on your local climate.

Obviously, someone in a colder region, such as the UK or the Netherlands, will be more limited in their window than someone in, say, Southern Spain or Italy.

Start off seedlings inside

For a successful guerrilla grow you will want to choose the strains that are best for outdoor growing; these can either be a good, mould resistant photoperiod or more common these days are autoflowers (their short height and limited lifetime is a good way to minimise the risk of detection and of mould setting in).

Wind and weather, cold and hot temperatures, and pests make a cannabis plant’s life challenging enough. Unfortunately, seedlings are particularly vulnerable in uncontrolled environments outdoors.

You can make it much easier for your plants by germinating seeds at home and then allow them to develop into healthy little plants of up to 30cm before you set them outside. If at all possible, slowly acclimatise them to the outdoors by putting them outside for 2-3 hours at first.

Preparing your grow site

If you’ve found a secluded spot, but the quality of the soil isn’t great (i.e very loamy, dark, and rich-looking) it’s not the end of the world – you can improve it by adding some potting soil and coco coir or even better, by adding professionally made super soil, as well as organic amendments.

This should have perlite/ vermiculite or lava rock for aeration and to hold onto moisture.

To achieve the best marijuana yields you will benefit from adding at least 20L of a good super soil such as the ones developed by Living Soils. You can choose which one depending on whether you’re growing autoflower or photoperiod plants.

Out in the wild your plants will be susceptible to cannabis-loving animals such as deer, rabbits, ants, mites, or slugs.

In Northern climates in particular it’s a great idea to use a slug barrier and employ other preventative measures like predator urine or neem oil to keep pests away. It’s also good to set up protective cages for your plants with chicken wire & bamboo canes (if your site is in an exposed location).

Planting your seedlings

Once frost is no longer a threat, it is time to plant your seedlings in their new home. Take your pots to your grow site, remove the plastic before placing them in the ground. If you are inclined to keep it a little greener, use pulp pots—they are biodegradable and can just be thrown away.

Plant Maintenance

In a perfect world, you’d just plant your seeds, and after some weeks go back and harvest. If only it were that easy! Instead, you’ll want to check on your plants often as they grow along.

Aside from watering them, you’ll need to inspect for pest infestations and give them nutrients.

Dry amendments from Living Soils are the perfect choice for the guerrilla grower as they are:

  • Slow release – no need to amend the soil at your grow site often (just use the feeding schedule for a 20L pot in soil)
  • Light – you don’t have to carry big bags/ heavy bottles of liquid fertilisers around
  • Compostable – so you can just dig a hole around where the grow site is and know that the packaging will degrade over time.

As autumn approaches, you’re advised to add some special flowering nutrients to maximise your yield and is the perfect time to sprinkle some Bloom2 (or Bloom AUTO for autoflowers) around the base and water in – these dry amendments contain phosphorus and potassium, which your ladies will need to fatten their buds.

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